Event name
PCV Book Group meets
Tue 04 / 16 / 2024
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Who can attend
Members only
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
PCV Book Group Gathering
PCV's Book Group, meeting monthly, on Zoom, so you can come no matter where you may be.
Our book discussions are for members and volunteers, but non-members may come once to try us out.
This month, we're talking about The Art Forger, by B.A. Shapiro, a novel published in 2012. Here's a nice review from the New York Times, recommending the book, and telling us "For those willing to forgive the occasional misstep, The Art Forger will reward their forbearance and, through its engaging premise, their intelligence."
Thank you to Linda for organizing this prgoram for us.