Event name
Bike Collection in Fox Hills West
Sat 04 / 27 / 2024
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Eagle Scout Bike Collection
1 Falls Chapel Court
Potomac MD 20854
1 Falls Chapel Court
Potomac MD 20854
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Bike Collection for the non-profit Rockville Bike Hub
The grandson of one of PCV's members is doing a bike collection for the local non-profit Rockville Bike Hub, as part of his Eagle Scout requirements, and is asking for our help.
New and used bikes of any size will be accepted. Please bring the bikes to Evan at 1 Falls Chapel Court, Potomac (in the Fox Hills West community) on Saturday, April 27, between 9 am and 2 pm.
If you have any questions, or can't make it in person, please contact [email protected] or call 301-549-6937 to arrange for a bike pick up.