Potomac Climate Action Workshop
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Who can attend
Potomac Climate Action Workshop
co-hosted by Potomac Community Village and the Potomac Village Garden Club
Exact location will be sent when you register. Space is limited.
Registration required. To register, please click https://www.potomacvillagegc.org/events-1/climateworkshop/form
Location and registration confirmation will be sent to you by the Garden Club.
Does climate change concern you? Take heart by taking action! Climate action newbies and veterans
are all warmly invited to join a hands on a World Cafe discussion of what our community can do to reduce carbon emissions. We will brainstorm carbon reduction ideas as individuals, as community
members, and as concerned citizens, in a guided discussion led by Pru Foster, scientist, author of A Drop of Grace and The Prudent Lifestyle newsletter, expert on native plants and climate change, and a Potomac resident. Registration for the limited number of spaces is required.
This event is being organized by the Potomac Village Garden Club and Potomac Community Village. For more information email the Garden Club at [email protected].