PCV Coffee and Conversation
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Westlake Drive
Bethesda MD
Who can attend
PCV's Coffee and Conversation, Corner Bakery on Westlake Drive
Another opportunity for a social get-together for PCV members and volunteers to meet with other members and volunteers, build new connections, meet new people, get together with those you already know, talk about whatever is on your mind.
Non-members may came once or twice to check us out, learn more about PCV, but please register, so we know to expect you.
We'll be at the Corner Bakery on Westlake Drive. Look for the PCV sign on the tables in the back.
Members - If you need a ride to come, please indicate that you need a ride when you register for this event. Everyone, if you can offer a ride, please indicate that as well.
Attendees pay for their own refreshments.
Thank you to Eleanor and Laura for organizing this Coffee for us.